Thank you for considering a donation to Hope Restored. Your generous donation provides the resources for our volunteers to serve those in crises. Hope Restored is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit. Donors will receive a summary of donations at the close of the year for tax purposes.
You can donate by sending a check, setting up a recurring payment through your bank, using PayPal (use the “Donate” button below), or by a slight modification to your Amazon shopping (use the “Get started” button below).
Donate By Sending A Check
You can donate by sending a check to Hope Restored at PO Box 25655, Colorado Springs, CO 80936. Please make sure that your name and current address are either on the check or included so that we can process a tax receipt for your donation at the end of the year.
Donate By Recurring Payment
Most banks offer a free service for bill payment by recurring check. If you are interested in providing a recurring donation this is an excellent method as all of the money gets to the ministry.
Donate Through PayPal
We are setup to use PayPal to accept donations. Please be aware that PayPal takes 3.5% for processing the payment. You can click the button below to donate.